• Wildlife Rescue Cork (WRC) is a registered charity (RCN: 20205803). WRC was set up “to rescue, rehabilitate injured or orphaned wildlife in Cork and surrounding counties”, and with the sole purpose of releasing them back into the wild once successfully recovered. All our actions are geared towards these goals. We are 100% run by volunteers •

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• Volunteer at WRC •

• A large portion of our work is carrying out rescues and picking up injured wildlife around Cork. We have a group of volunteers who assist us by collecting animals in their area and dropping them to me (meeting point at Whitechurch petrol station) or to one of our vets once I have rung ahead to make an appointment. If you are interested in being a transport volunteer, please fill out the application form below •

• How it works •

• We have created a What’s App group for WRC rescues •

• During the summer months I can receive 15+ calls a day from people looking for help.
Some of these calls need intervention and rescue. In winter this reduces to a few calls a week •

• When I receive a call about an injured animal, I will ask the volunteers in the group if someone is free.
If you are free, you respond and I will send you a private message with the details. GDPR is very important to WRC
so we will not be sharing the finder’s private information unless expressly allowed by the finder •

• Without transport volunteers there is no way we can help as many animals as we do.
We are all doing this voluntarily and really appreciate anyone working with us to help Cork wildlife •

• Important notes about applying to volunteer at the rescue •

• Please note that not all volunteers will get to work at the centre or directly with animals 
This is due to logistics as well as the need to build experience of those dealing directly with animals •

• I require all volunteers to begin their relationship with WRC by being active members of the transport group for a number
of months so I can get to know how best to match your talents to the needs of the organisation •

• While I know how interested people are in seeing the rehab first hand, we need to ensure we have the right team at the rehab centre.
The animal’s welfare is number one and that will never be compromised •

• If you are accepted to volunteer onsite, we will provide training on cleaning and handling animals •

• If you feel you would like to a volunteer for transport only, we would be only too delighted to have you •

• Not everyone is suited to volunteering for wildlife rescue. Injured animals may have obvious injuries such as broken bones,
blood, poisoning, car accidents which can be distressing. Some animals will not survive.
This work can be disappointing and rewarding all in the same day. It is a truly unique job and very special to be part of it •

• Unlike domestic pets they do not want to be ‘comforted’ or ‘held’, this rescue work involves getting them secure in a
pet carrier and onto me or a vet. It is not about cuddling or holding animals •

• If you feel you would be an asset to WRC please get in touch •

• Other roles •

• We are always interested in people’s ideas for fundraising or how to get items or new connections for the charity •
• Please get in touch if you have any ideas or feel you can help with charity with an aspect of our work •

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