• Wildlife Rescue Cork (WRC) is a registered charity (RCN: 20205803). WRC was set up “to rescue, rehabilitate injured or orphaned wildlife in Cork and surrounding counties”, and with the sole purpose of releasing them back into the wild once successfully recovered. All our actions are geared towards these goals. We are 100% run by volunteers •

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• Birds of prey •

• General Information •

• There are a few different birds of prey native to Ireland. Buzzards, Kestrels, Merlin, Peregrine falcon, Sparrowhawk, Barn owl, Long and short eared owls. Rarer species include Harriers and Kites •

• They have all evolved to target different prey, some choosing rodents and some choosing small garden birds or pigeons, and some may go after young rabbits or other small animals. This is a natural event and should not be interfered with •

• Although it can be distressing to watch, please refrain from scaring birds of prey off birds they have caught. A few failed kills can mean the death of one of these amazing birds within a very short period of time. Birds of prey are in a minority and chasing them off their dinner that they caught fair and square can be a waste of precious energy and a death sentence. Be especially aware during breeding season, as these guys have chicks in the nest to feed and they will starve too. Please avoid intervening •

• Many of the birds we take into care after being ‘rescued’ from a bird of prey are so irreparably damaged they have to be put to sleep anyway so please don’t scare off the birds of prey •

• As always if you come across an injured animal you are concerned about you can call us for advice •

• Common injuries seen at WRC •

• Collisions with house windows/cars, concussion is a huge problem for these birds. Many of these birds are found on the roadside •

• Wing or leg fractures or breaks can happen from these collisions. Veterinary attention is often needed to repair broken bones •

• Always consult a rehabber if the bird is standing on the ground looking dazed and allows you to approach them •

• They have really sharp talons that can easily pierce skin and a very sharp beak that can cause damage to hands •

• ONLY if you are asked to pick them up, use thick gardening gloves and a towel. Place the towel over the bird and place them into a cardboard box or pet carrier. Put a towel on the bottom for them to grip onto •

• Poisoning or rodents carrying poison can lead to secondary poisoning of birds of prey who ingest them •

• Damage to talons and feet can be fatal to these birds as they need their feet for hunting, infections such as bumblefoot can be a death sentence •

• Canker/frounce’ is a protozoan disease that grows in the throat and eventually obscures the throat making swallowing impossible. Untreated it will lead to death •

• Predation by dogs or cats, especially if grounded due to injury •

• Persecution by some parts of society that blame them for damage to young livestock •

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