What to do if you find a Bat and how to handle them
Here is some information about them and a guide on what to do in case you find an injured one. In any doubt, always contact us first.

BAT REHABILITATION IRELAND – are experts in all things bat related. If you have found an injured bat, please phone 0857219400 for help.

General Information
Legal Protection: Ireland’s nine bat species are protected under national and EU law. It is illegal to tamper with or block bat roosts without a license from the National Parks and Wildlife Service.
Ecosystem Role: Bats are vital for pest control, consuming thousands of insects like mosquitoes, which benefits both humans and local ecosystems.
Common Misconceptions: Bats are not blind, do not attack humans, and have no interest in nesting in hair. Irish bats feed exclusively on insects—no vampire bats live in Ireland.
What to Do If You Find a Bat in Need
Prepare a Container: Use a small, ventilated box lined with a soft cloth for the bat to cling to. Ensure the container has small air holes and no large gaps for escape.
Handle Carefully: Cover the bat gently with a cloth before lifting to avoid injuring its delicate toes.
Provide Hydration: Offer a shallow cap of water in the container, ensuring it’s safe and shallow enough to prevent drowning.
Contact Professionals: Once secure, call a local rehabilitation center or Bat Rehabilitation Ireland for assistance. Only licensed professionals should care for bats.
Special Cases and Handling Precautions
Young Bats: During late spring and summer, young bats (pups) may become separated from their mothers. These are emergencies requiring immediate attention from Bat Rehabilitation Ireland.
Injuries: Common issues include dehydration, broken limbs, torn wing membranes, or injuries caused by cats. Cat-related injuries require immediate antibiotics, as cat bacteria are fatal to bats.
Handling Tips: Always wear gloves when handling bats. If the bat appears cold or sluggish, it may be in torpor—a low-energy state—and may need warmth to regain mobility.
Supporting Bat Conservation
Reach out to Bat Rehabilitation Ireland for advice or to report injured bats. Donations to these organizations directly support the care and rehabilitation of bats in need. Every small effort helps protect these gentle and ecologically vital creatures.