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How to help wildlife in your area

Be aware that wildlife is never too far away from us. You don’t have to see David Attenborough pop out from behind a rock to know that wildlife is close. There are wonders all around us.

Check wild areas before strimming. Hedgehogs get horrible injuries from strimmer and often die in agony, which is a pity as their appetite for slugs makes them a great help to the gardener.

Cover in unused cattle grids.

Cut hedges before or after nesting season.

Don’t use slug pellets, many birds and hedgehogs ingest the pellets or get secondary poisoning from ingesting slugs that have eaten pellets.

Leave out a shallow bowl of water for wildlife. If possible, use collected fresh rainwater. (No shortage of that in this area of the country).

Leave some of your land as wild areas to encourage wildlife. Although we love a manicured lawn, wildlife does not and they need all the help they can get. This does not have to be a large area. An overgrown grass margin would suffice. A corner with deadwood and leaves will also help.

Clean your bird feeders regularly with disinfectant and then rinse with water to reduce the spread of disease.

Help your local rehabbers by donating food or funds. We are voluntary, but still need money for food, shelter and transport.